Nature Notes May 2019
Date Published: 02-06-2019
May was a month of mixed weather conditions, with heavy rain showers, sunshine and both chilly and warm nights.
Birds: Carrion Crows, Magpies, Jays, Buzzards, Common Gulls, Black-headed Gulls, Tawny Owls, Great Spotted /Green Woodpeckers, Wood Pigeons, Stock Doves, Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs, Nuthatches, Treecreepers, Siskins, Stonechats, Nightjar, Wrens, Robins, Blackbirds, Song Thrushes, Goldcrest, Dunnocks, Greenfinches, Goldfinches, Bullfinches, Chaffinches, Coal/Blue/Great/Long-tailed Tits.
Mammals: Grey Squirrels, Hedgehogs, Mole activity, Foxes, Badgers, Wood Mice, Roe Deer.
Insects: Midges, Buff-tailed Bees, Wasps, Hornets, Hover Flies, Horse Flies, 2 Spot Ladybird, Ants, Wood Lice.
Butterflies: Holly Blue, Peacock, Large White, Brimstone, Speckled Wood, Comma, Orange Tip, species of day/night flying Moths.
Plants in flower: Arum Lily, Yellow Flag Iris, Herb Bennet, Tormentil, Cut leaved Cranesbill, Silver Birch Catkins, Bluebells.
Pond Life: Pond Skaters, Whirlygig Beetles, Backswimmers, Common Newts.
Reptiles: Slow Worm, Common Lizards, Common Frog.
In the last week of May, the call of a Nightjar was clearly heard.
No reported sightings of Tree Pipits so far.
Many young fledglings, out of the nest, were seen being fed by parents.
The colouring of most insects is designed to help them remain concealed from predators, but the bright markings of ladybirds make them startlingly conspicuous. Strange though it may seem, this coloration is a protective device. Ladybirds have a very unpleasant taste and they advertise this fact to their enemies through coloration.
Recorder: C. Wilcox
The cattle holding pen was completed. A sleeper bridge was constructed along the A31 fenceline. Pine saplings were pulled and encroaching vegetation cut back from pathways.