For Kids

There’s lots of things for kids to do here:-

Pond dipping

Bring your jam jar tied securely on a string and with a secure lid and from the boardwalk start dipping.

Spotting lizards

On warm Summer days stay still and quiet on the boardwalk and look out for the lizards scurrying about.

Brass rubbing

Find the brass rubbing posts and with a crayon or soft pencil make your own rubbings.

Work out which are which are dragonflies and damselflies

The trick is to watch them when they are stationary because damselflies put their wings down their backs and the dragonflies wings stay open. The other thing is that the damselflies are smaller.

Seeing the Silver Studded Blue butterflies

Come the end of June until August, if you walk the middle path on a fine day, you will see these wonderful small butterflies fluttering around the heather. Try and spot a male and a female. The males are really blue with brown spots and the females a more plain brown colour