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Where is Slop Bog?
- Grid reference: SU080020
- Postcode district: BH22 9XX (map centre)
- X: 408000m Y: 102000m
- Latitude: 50:49:03N (50.8175) Longitude: 1:53:16W (-1.8878)
Directions from the east
- Follow A31 across the New Forest and past Ringwood – do not take the road into Bournemouth.
- Straight on over the next 3 roundabouts (approx 4-5 miles).
- Get into the outside lane for the next roundabout and take the second exit signposted A31.
- Take next turning left marked B3072, go straight on at next roundabout signposted Ferndown.
- After 50 yards, turn left into West Moors Road and park with due consideration for residents.
- The entrance to Slop Bog is on the right hand side of the main road.
Directions from the south
- Follow the route from Bournemouth to Parley Cross into New Road.
- At traffic lights at the Fire Station go straight across into Victoria Road.
- Continue past the shops to the traffic lights and turn left.
- Turn right at next set of traffic lights into Ameysford Road.
- Climb hill and continue past shops on left and down the hill.
- At the bottom of the hill turn right into Redwood Drive.
- Keep straight until road turns sharp right, at this point go straight on into cul de sac.
- This is the Redwood Drive entrance into Slop Bog.
- Please park on left side of road so as not to be immediately outside houses.
Directions from the west
- Follow the A31 to Canford Bottom Roundabout ( just east of Wimborne).
- Take 4th exit road to Ferndown.
- At second set of traffic lights turn left into Ameysford Road.
- Climb hill and continue past shops on left and down the hill.
- At the bottom of the hill turn right into Redwood Drive.
- Keep straight until road turns sharp right, at this point go straight on into cul de sac.
- This is the Redwood Drive entrance into Slop Bog.
- Please park on left side of road so as not to be immediately outside houses.
Directions from the north
- Follow the B3072 through West Moors.
- Turn left at the mini roundabout and over Ferndown bypass.
- Turn right at the next mini roundabout signposted Ferndown.
- After 50 yards, turn left into West Moors Road and park with due consideration for residents.
- The entrance to Slop Bog is on the right hand side of the main road.